CPaaS digital engagement improves the customer experience

January 22, 2019

Cloud-based CPaaS is changing the way enterprises communicate, develop new services, and interact with customers.

Digital engagement is changing the customer experience. According to a recent Wainhouse Research survey, 94% of respondents said they were either using, or in the process of implementing digital engagement tools.

In the past, adding new services meant investing in additional manpower, expensive infrastructure and integrating new technology. Today, however, the cloud-based Communications Platform as a Service (CPaaS) model is providing flexibility in how businesses pay for and deploy digital engagement tools. In fact, the Wainhouse Research survey indicated that 52% of companies predict they will increase spending, and 71% will deploy more digital engagement tools in the next couple of years.

CPaaS in action
From delivery status notifications and customer surveys, to chat bot integration, the magic of CPaaS and cloud is that all contextual information about a customer can be synchronized effortlessly during a call or web interaction. Having this comprehensive customer data at their finger tips allows agents or bots, to provide a personalized service, based on the items in the customer’s shopping cart, the webpage they are visiting, or previous interactions.

Digital engagement made easy
With Alcatel-Lucent Rainbow™ companies can integrate digital communications into customer business processes and applications. The hybrid cloud-based solution lets them leverage existing on-premises PBX and phone infrastructure through APIs to use both digital and telephony resources. With Rainbow, companies can access services such as instant messaging, group chat and chat bots, voice and video conferencing, connected objects, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and many more.

Download our white paper to get insights from the recent Wainhouse Research survey and learn more about how Rainbow and CPaaS can help provide digital engagement so that you can deliver a superior customer experience.


Ludovic Leclerc

Product Marketing Manager, Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise

Expert for over 20 years in telecommunication solutions, from carrier to enterprise business, Ludovic began his career as a software engineer and then moved to sales support and tendering for complex customer projects. As a Product Marketing Manager, he is currently focused on Cloud Communications and Customer Service solutions. Ludovic holds an Engineering degree in Computer Science (network, system, and cloud) from Polytech Nantes, France.

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